miercuri, 31 ianuarie 2018

Vești din China: Noul reprezentant al Chinei la ONU și-a prezentat scrisorile de acreditare

     În ultimul timp sunt copleșită de multe cele ce am de făcut, de aceea n-am mai apucat să scriu aici mare lucru... Postez și acum un text netradus. Fotografia e
adăugată de mine.
Le nouveau Représentant de la Chine auprès des Nations Unies présente ses lettres de créance
(Rédigé sur la base d’informations reçues du Service du protocole et de la liaison)
Le nouveau Représentant permanent de la Chine auprès des Nations Unies, M. Ma Zhaoxu, a présenté aujourd’hui ses lettres de créance au Secrétaire général de l’ONU, M. António Guterres.
Avant cette nomination, M. Ma était Représentant permanent de la Chine auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève et auprès d’autres organisations internationales en Suisse.
Auparavant, M. Ma a été Ambassadeur en Australie de 2013 à 2016, Ministre adjoint des affaires étrangères de 2011 à 2013, et Directeur général du Département de l’information du Ministère des affaires étrangères de 2009 à 2011.
Ses titres et affectations antérieures incluent les postes de Directeur général adjoint et Directeur général du Département de la planification des politiques au Ministère des affaires étrangères, de 2004 à 2009, de Ministre Conseiller à l’ambassade de son pays en Belgique et à la Mission auprès de l’Union européenne, de 2002 à 2004, et de conseiller à son ambassade au Royaume-Uni, de 2001 à 2002.
Au cours de ses trois décennies au service de l’État, M. Ma a également occupé des postes au Bureau des affaires étrangères du Comité central du Parti communiste chinois et au Bureau des affaires étrangères du Conseil d’État.  De 1990 à 1993, il avait été attaché et Troisième Secrétaire à la Mission permanente de la Chine auprès des Nations Unies.
Il est titulaire d’un doctorat en économie politique.
Né en septembre 1963 à Harbin, M. Ma est marié et a une fille.

duminică, 28 ianuarie 2018

Vești din China: unde să caut filme, seriale chinezești?













vineri, 26 ianuarie 2018

Noutăți lexicale: taikonaut

     Am întâlnit azi acest termen într-un articol în română despre ... astronauți. Da, asta înseamnă: astronaut, cosmonaut. Curioasă ce-i cu acest cuvânt am descoperit  ( trăiască internetul!) că înlocuiește de câțiva ani cuvântul astronaut în mai multe limbi. 
În română a fost - normal- evitat inițial, că avem deja doi termeni pentru asta, dar acum este tot mai folosit. Inutil să ne întrebăm de ce e preferat, pentru că limbile, știm demult, evoluează cum vor ele, și nu după logica aplicabilă în viața cotidiană.
Frumusețea cea mai mare a situației este însă următoarea: termenul este folosit în alte limbi decât chineza pornind de la chinezescul

太空人 tàikōngrén/ om al marelui vid, astronaut, extraterestru; acoperă sensul cuvintelor 宇航员 yǔhángyuán/ astronaut și 外星人wàixīngrén/ extraterestru. 
Sunt dicționare chinezești mari care în prezent nici nu includ acest termen.

Dar, în chineză, pentru „ astronaut” specialiștii chinezi în domeniu folosesc 宇航员 yǔhángyuán/ astronaut, navigator în Univers.

     Deci, bun venit limbii chineze printre limbile internaționale din care se fac împrumuturi lexicale în această globalizare pe care o simțim tot mai mult zi de zi! 

      Chiar priveam cu îngrijorare engleza, când am văzut în urmă cu câțiva ani că într-o traducere din această limbă se utiliza în română pluralul în - s, specific limbii engleze și la modul în care există în engleză. E drept că traducătorul nu prea avusese alternative în traducerea ( preluarea ca atare, de fapt) unor termeni tibetani destul de lungi la care pluralul românesc uzual în -uri ar fi lungit supărător cuvintele ... 
Și e drept că personal n-am văzut repetată această soluție de traducere. 

     Morala: părinți, lăsați-i pe copiii dvs să învețe chineza!

sâmbătă, 20 ianuarie 2018

Biografii incredibile: Sidney Shapiro

O serie de articole generale despre mari personalități a  căror biografie a fost legată de China. Astăzi, un traducător: Sidney Shapiro ( 1915-2014)

An American Dies in China

Jay Weston recalls the tumultuous life and times of the man who “chose China” October 26, 2017 Jay Weston

The email came on Saturday morning…from a young woman named Stella Guo. She informed me that her grandfather, my dear friend Sidney Shapiro, had passed away at the age of 98 in his house in Beijing, China. She said that Sidney had awakened that morning at 8:30, had his breakfast. Usually he would then go to his computer and answer the multitude of emails he received from all over the world but lately he had not been able to do so. This day, she told me, he peacefully closed his eyes and went to sleep forever.
Sidney Shapiro, an American-born (December 23rd, 1915) Jewish lawyer from Brooklyn – graduate of St. John’s University, who has lived in China since 1947, married a famous Chinese actress and activist, became a Chinese citizen named Sha Boli 沙博理 in 1962, traveled frequently to the U.S. in the Seventies, became a trusted advisor to the Chinese Communist government and a translator of classical Chinese literature, author of several books (among them “Jews in Ancient China,” which was translated into Hebrew and published in Israel) …..and an avid emailer who communicated with friends across the world but lately he had not been able to do so. This day, she told me, he peacefully closed his eyes and went to sleep forever. 
I first met Sidney in 1972, when he came to California after his visit to Brooklyn, where he had been seeing his mother. I was sharing a big house in the Hollywood hills with a fellow Brooklynite named Jerry Mann, a schmata [cheap clothing] manufacturer who was a rugged intellectual. He told me that his childhood friend Sidney Shapiro was coming for a visit…and then described how he and Sidney had ‘rode the rails‘ from New York to L.A. when they were kids.
Sidney was a delight…a round-faced, white-hired jovial fellow who spoke English (and Chinese) with a thick Brooklyn accent (which he had retained all his life.) Sidney told me the story of how he, a 32-year old Brooklyn-born Jewish lawyer, had enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1941 and applied for French Language School….only to be sent to an Army Chinese-language school in San Francisco instead. They were preparing for a possible American landing in Japanese-occupied China.
After the war, he went to further his Chinese-language skills at Columbia and Yale, and then…not wanting to return to practicing law in Brooklyn… boarded a freighter for Shanghai, China. Landing there with $200 in his pocket, he got a job with an American law firm, exactly what he didn’t prefer doing, saying, “I traveled 10,000 miles to avoid this!” He later told me that he had been deputized by the American Consulate to talk Jewish refugees into seeking visas to countries other than the U.S.
But he had also met a lovely Chinese actress, Fengzi 凤子 – Phoenix, and fell in love. They married in 1948. She was an activist in the revolutionary movement, and when the Communists took over the country in 1948 they were smuggled into the capital, Peking. In 1949 the government asked Sidney if he wanted to return to America, but he chose to stay with his then-pregnant wife in the city, now called Beijing. They lived in a small courtyard house in a Beijing hutong. Employed by the Foreign Language Press, he was granted Chinese citizenship in 1963.
Phoenix and Sidney on their wedding day.
In 1968, his Jewish mother from Brooklyn flew to Hong Kong, traveled to the border and told the Chinese guards, “I want to visit my son Sidney in Beijing.” They put her on a train and she met his new family. When President Nixon opened up China with his visit in ‘72, the Chinese government asked Sidney if he wanted to visit his mother in the US. He arrived at the International airport here and the astonished customs people looked at his Chinese passport, which indicated he had been born in Brooklyn.
After visiting his family there, he came to California to stay for a month with Jerry and me. Some friends still remember a lunch we threw for Sidney at the Beverly Hills Tennis Club, for our acquaintances to meet him and hear his story. That was when I urged him to write a book detailing his incredible story, and helped him write what became From Brooklyn to Peking.
When he returned to Beijing, in 1983 he was asked to join the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Council, China’s highest advisory body, and he pulled his book from publication because ‘it was not politically correct.’ Years later, though, he did publish a new, revised version, I Chose China (Hippocrene Books, 2000).
In the 1990’s, Sidney revisited the U.S. with his wife, Phoenix, and they stayed with us in Los Angeles. It was only then that I learned the details of her ten-year confinement while his only daughter was sent away ‘to the country’ during Mao’s Cultural Revolution. And the inside story of why his wife had been so treated: she had been a young actress in China in the 30s with the woman, Jiang Qing, who became Mao’s wife, (one of the notoriously corrupt Gang of Four) and Phoenix knew intimate details about her which she didn’t want known, which resulted in a personal vendetta. Phoenix, who died in 1996, later became the first publisher of a theatrical magazine in China and a prominent drama critic.
Did I mention that Sidney became an actor in many Chinese movies (Airforce 长空雄鹰, etc.), always playing the perfidious American? When my friend, movie producer Ray Stark, was going to visit Beijing, Sidney told me to have him call. “I’m the only Shapiro in the Beijing phone book,” he said.
Sidney playing an American pilot in the 1976 film Airforce
Sidney’s daughter, Sha Yamei 沙亚美, became a Western-style doctor. It was her daughter, Stella Guo, who sent me the sad email. Stella has married a nice American guy, Kevin, and they have a son, William Harper. She emailed me a memory of her grandfather:
Though we are saddened by his passing, please remember Sidney’s life with joy. He lived a long and full life, one filled with love, friendship, and passion for living. As his granddaughter, I am blessed with many memories – his quirky humor, wonderful stories, great taste in music, appreciation of old movies, his American-Jewish heritage, energetic debates, love of new technology and so much more. I miss him.
Yes, we will all miss him. I remember the early days of our friendship, when there were no bagels in China…and sending him endless shipments of them. We exchanged a long and tumultuous dialogue…arguing in print about China’s relationship with Israel, its policies and those of the U.S., so many passionate discussions and exchanges, always ending with a joke.
Someone once said to me, “The best way to portray a cataclysmic event of history is to tell it through the eyes of two people in love, like ‘Dr. Zhivago’ did for the Russian Revolution.” And imagine a movie about the love story of American Sidney and Chinese Phoenix, detailing the story of the Chinese revolution through the eyes of these two people in love. Now that’s a movie I would want to see! ∎
An earlier version of this essay originally appeared on the Huffington Post Los Angeles blog on December 23, 2014, and is posted here with permission of the author.
Sidney Shapiro passed away three years ago this month


miercuri, 17 ianuarie 2018

Vești din China: Cocostârci cu moțul roșu în estul Chinei

       Peste 600 de cocostârci cu moțul roșu migrează în fiecare iarnă în rezervația naturală de la Yancheng/ Jiangsu. Este pasărea națională chineză, disputată de altfel cu Japonia.

( preluare după Xinhua)

vineri, 5 ianuarie 2018

Vești din China: Redeschiderea fostei reședințe a lui Mao Zedong din Shanghai

     Marți, 2 ianuarie 2018 s-a redeschis la Shanghai fosta reședință a lui Mao Zedong din sectorul Jing'an după doi ani de renovare ce a avut drept scop readucerea clădirii la aspectul său inițial. În prima zi, reședința a avut 500 de vizitatori.
     Clădirea, din cărămizi și lemn, a fost construită în 1915, iar familia lui Mao Zedong a locuit la parterul acesteia. Mao Zedong în 1924 a ajuns pentru o a zecea oară la Shanghai și s-a instalat în această casă, care acum este muzeu și adăpostește, în noua formulă, exponate în premieră, prin care este prezentată munca și viața cotidiană a lui Mao Zedong. 
     O serie de membri de partid ori simpatizanți ai Partidului Comunist Chinez și aspiranți la a deveni membri ai partidului au vizitat din prima zi casa și și-au exprimat entuziasmul față de eveniment.
     Conform celor declarate de dl Zhu Run, responsabil cu relicvele culturale în sectorul Jing'an, clădirea principală, care are o istorie de circa 100 de ani, nu poate primi decât un număr limitat de vizitatori. 
     „ Sperăm să integrăm mai eficient resursele ce vizează ' turismul roșu' din sectorul nostru. ” a declarat dl Zhu.
Turismul roșu - vizitarea siturilor unde au avut loc primele activități comuniste- este foarte răspândit în China și primește de la guvern fonduri importante. Conform ministrului de finanțe chinez, în 2016 s-a alocat un total de 1.6 miliarde de yuani ( 240 milioane $) pentru susținerea turismului roșu.
     Numărul turiștilor roșii este estimat a depăși până în 2020 cifra de 1.5 miliarde, conform datelor prezentate de Administrația națională pentru turism.

( preluare după Xinhua)